Burundi is a country in the central Africa, in the Great Lake region. It is bordered by Rwanda to the north, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Lake Tanganyika to the west and Tanzania to the east and south.
The country has a rich cultural and social history. The written history is mostly about the colonial and postcolonial periods.
Burundi is unfortunately also known for its political instability spanning decades and for being one of the poorest countries in the world. It has however overcome the bloodiest 10 year civil war in 2005 and has laid the framework, though still fragile, of democracy and development.
About us
We are a group of Burundians living in Denmark who have formed an organization through which we can strengthen and maintain our cultural bond within Denmark, while promoting a link with the Danish society and culture.
We also seek partnership with other Burundian diasporas mainly based in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia. We support developmental efforts in Burundi through projects for children education, health, poverty reduction and protection of human rights.
It is also a forum where others in Denmark can come in contact with us and learn about the Burundian culture.
We have existed as an organization since 2017.
One of the biggest developmental challenges in Burundi is the lack of access to education for many children, due to poverty. There is also a large number of war refugees, many of whom are children, still living in neighbouring countries under adverse life circumstances.
Project 2021 - Read More
This project aims to integrate 5 homeless children into a foster family and, this family to serve as a
model for future foster families.
The vision is that parallel to the traditional way of Foster Homes we may begin to move into “ Foster
Families” providing role models to these kids, providing a family environment with father and
mother. It may seem that the basic needs such as a shelter, food and education are all a child need
but a thriving environment with love and affection of parents will contribute to producing good
citizens in our country. There are many families who may be called poor in the eyes of society but
who's hearts are willing to take on homeless children in their homes. The goal is to provide these
families with the means necessary to get as many kids as possible out of the streets.
To support this host family , DBD offers a holistic support based on financing their nutrition
education and health care .
AFED Project 2019 - Read More
These children were born and raised in shelters that used to be pig stables near the capital. Due to poor ressources they have no access to education or to basic needs of living. They live in a parallel society within the local community.
DBD has committed itself to lift these 12 kids (between 8 and 11 years old) and their families out of poverty and help their integration in the local community by rehousing and insuring their education.
This is being done through direct contributions, fundraising and partnership with local communities in Bujumbura (Burundi), such as AFED (Association des Femmes pour l'Education des Demunis) giving these children opportunities for a better future.
In year 2019 DBD organised climbing Kilimanjaro to raise funds to financially support these children. 10.000,00- EU was raised. See images in our gallery here.
ARS Project 2014- 2017 - Read More
Through established local projects DBD supports their efforts towards children education and development by raising and sending funds.
Between 2014 og 2017 DBD (then known as FASHA) supported a local organisation called ARS (Association pour la Réhabilitation des Sinistrés). The civil war produced many internally displaced families who have lost their homes. Most of these families children are unable to continue their education due to extreme poverty. ARS main objective is to help internally displaced children get an education and ensure their development and re-integration in society.
DBDs contribution was financial support to ARS by raising funds to cover school fees for a group of 59 children aged between 5 and 17 years for a 3-year period.
Support us
2021: online event " Art talk" with burundian artists....May- June - Read More
Cultural event " Art talk"
This year’s fundraising event will be in collaboration with Burundian artistes, authors, a culinary chef, brewer, photograph and journalists.
The goal of the events is to celebrate and bask in our Burundian culture, remember and remind people of what is good about our beloved Burundi, while raising funds for the most destitute children in Burundi.
The main targeted audience is all Burundians especially the Diaspora. The message we hope to get through is:
- We have much to celebrate. Burundi is not all about war and destruction. We have an amazing culture: Music, film, food, fashion, paintings, writers etc… and all Burundians share it.
- The difference between the diaspora and the kids we are raising funds for is opportunity! Every kid can achieve his/ her full potential given the opportunity. The artists taking part in the events are a perfect example.
- We (the Diaspora) can help our own. You don’t have to do politics, activism, fight a war to make a huge difference at home. A simple gesture like taking part in this event will give opportunities to the poorest children, could change a community, a whole village, town and maybe Burundi one day.
- We are promoting our artists, who are putting Burundi on a map and shining a light on our culture, telling our story / stories.
The events are a series of interviews over a period of 8 weeks, on Saturday evenings
15 May 2021 Bahaga interview by Bob Rugurika.
Bahaga has uploaded his music on Spotify, Tidal, AppleMusic, TikTok etc… and give the proceeds of the downloads to the fundraising. DBD will encourage as many as possible to download Bahaga’s music.
22 May 2021 Interview with Joseph Bitamba by Danny Mbesherubusa
It will a film evening. Joseph will donate “Le Metis” for viewing online against a fee to help the fundraising
29 May 2021 Conversation between Antoine Kaburahe and Aloys Niyoyita.
We will the promote books for sale to help raise funds
05 June 2021 Interview with Teddy Mazina. All about Photography
Sales of his photos will help raise funds for our charity.
12 June 2021 Exquisite dining in your own home with Claude Bigayimpuzi
We will see Claude prepare a whole menu for a fine evening with Burundian food.
Sales of the recipes will help raise funds.
19 June 2021 Art in our homes. A conversation about fashion and painting with Turuso.
Sales of items will help raise funds.
There will also be interviews with a sport personality, a beer brewer, and last but not least a charity worker based in Bujumbura. Dates and times will be communicated nearer the time.
There will also be regular updates about the various events on different media platforms.
Come and join us online, you will really enjoy it.
Our Guests - Read More
Whom who has an interrest in supporting us and our cause financially, can contribute via Pay Pal - any amount will be highly appriciated.
Other ways to contribute financially:
2019: use of remaining collected funds
Best regards,
Diane Ndayishimiye - Chairwoman
Email: ndadi18nov@gmail.com
Sonia Kabwa - Vice Chairwoman
Email: skabwa@gmail.com
Elsy Mucikire - Secretary
Email: emucikire@hotmail.com
Aimée Justine Nkurunziza - Treasurer
Email: aimeemandevu@gmail.com
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us for further information, to provide some feedback, give us suggestions, or to just say hello!
Burundian Diaspora in Denmark (DBD), Skovvangsvej 166, 2. th. 8200 Aarhus N, Email: skabwa@gmail.com.
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